Centers, Planning, Small Groups

What I Accomplish While my Classroom Runs Itself: How to Use your Instructional Time More Efficiently

Think about the title of this blog post for a second. My elementary music classroom RUNS ITSELF! Yes, you are reading that right!

Because I only spend about 10-15 minutes of each class teaching whole group, I accomplish SO much more during the day! While my students are independently working, I focus on things that I normally wouldn’t be able to do during my instructional time. 

If you’re thinking…What in the world?! Check out my last blog post explaining how I use Student Directed Learning to structure my lessons! 

Let’s say your 4th graders are working on recorder. At the beginning of class, you go over a four measure piece of music that you want them to be able to play independently by the end of next week’s class. Now that you have reviewed the basics of the song, give them some independent (or small group if you choose) time to practice…about 20-30 minutes. Here are some quick things you can accomplish while they work!

Individual Assessment

The  most obvious thing that you’ll be doing is moving around the room helping individual students with issues. While you’re doing this, you can get some great assessment time in! As you listen to Suzy play, you notice that she is struggling to get the right amount of air pressure. Make a note of that and pull her next week for some individual practice time with you

Student Relationships

We know that building relationships with students is just as (if not more) important than teaching notes and rhythms. Use this time to have a 1-2 minute conversation with some kiddos! Ask about their weekend or what their favorite TV show is. That small conversation could mean the world to that student!

Pulling Small Groups

Maybe you have two or three students in this class that are switching their Bs and As when playing their recorder. Have them come sit around your desk and work together to figure out what the issue may be. 5 or 10 minutes of small group work could fix an issue that you normally wouldn’t be able to spend class time on! 

Playing Tests

If you have students who are ready to play their song for you, have them come individually and play. This takes the pressure of the student since others are practicing and not watching them play! 

Practicing Lines for a Program

Do you have some kiddos who need to work on memorizing their lines for the program next month? Pull them for 5 minutes and let them practice with you! Then they can spend the rest of the time practicing! 

Seriously, the possibilities are ENDLESS! If you have been following me for any amount of time, you know that I firmly believe in working smarter not harder! Using your instructional time in the most efficient way possible will give you the time to tackle that to-do list!

Are you ready to get your time back?! Make sure to grab this FREE GUIDE to Student Directed Learning! It will guide you through the process of structuring your instructional time! In the comments below, tell me what you could do with an extra 20-30 minutes of class time! 

Click the image above to grab your FREE Student Directed Learning Guide!

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